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*Notification - The City of Oshawa Require the Following to Be Posted as they Use Registration Info for Field Allocation Purposes
“The personal information is being collected by the City of Oshawa for the sole purposes of allocating sport facility time to organizations and individuals in accordance with the City’s Outdoor Field Management Policy, City of Oshawa Bylaw 13-2003, General Fees and Charges and pursuant to section 11(2) of Municipal Act, 2001 as amended. All information shall be kept in strict confidence and not used for any other purspose. Once collected, the information will be used only for this allocation purpose, retained and desposed of in accordance with the City’s Records Retention By-law and provincial law. By providing this information during registration, participants or their parents/guardians are authorizing the disclosure of personal information to the City, specifically the following information about the participant:
-Parent/guardian’s surname if different
-Year of birth
-Parts of their address: street name, city/town, postal code
-Telephone number of participant or of their parent/guardian
Any questions may be directed to: Sandra Krance, City Clerk,5th Floor, Rundle Tower, 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa, ON L1H 3Z7 Tel: 905-436-5639 fax: 905-436-5697 email:”